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Sending stopped in us-east-1

Aug 24 at 03:43am PDT
Affected services
Resend API
Resend SMTP Relay

Aug 24 at 07:46am PDT

us-east-1 is back online and all sending is healthy.

Thank you for your patience during this. We will be following internally and with AWS about ways we can avoid this in the future.

Aug 24 at 06:15am PDT

We are continuing to discuss with AWS support.

We changed the default region for free accounts to be eu-west-1.

Aug 24 at 04:32am PDT

We are continuing to talk with AWS support but us-east-1 is still offline.

In the meantime, we are investigating alliterative options to get us-east-1 back online.

Aug 24 at 03:58am PDT

As a workaround, users can create a domain in a new region besides us-east-1.

We are working on unblocking free users from the single-region limitation.

Aug 24 at 03:43am PDT

We were just notified that sending on our us-east-1 region on AWS was shutdown without any warning. This has halted all sending in this region. We are engaging with our account team to unblock this immediately.