Previous incidents
SMTP SSL Certificate Expiration
Resolved Oct 23 at 07:00am PDT
A new SSL certificate has been pushed and sending with SMPT is fully available.
1 previous update
Increase error rate on API
Resolved Oct 19 at 10:05am PDT
This issue is resolved
1 previous update
Email sending is unavailable
Resolved Oct 15 at 12:02pm PDT
Email sending is back. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Domain verification failing
Resolved Oct 12 at 10:54am PDT
Domains are being created but not completing the verification process. We are investigating and will report back when it's resolved.
Increased 500 errors in API requests
Resolved Sep 28 at 06:37pm PDT
The API is back to a healthy state.
Issue sending with Supabase
Resolved Aug 22 at 11:18pm PDT
Supabase noticed a spike in errors returned when fetching the email template from their API. They are still determining the root cause but it seems like a one-off incident. The last time it happened seems to be on Aug 22 2023 19:22:40 UTC.
2 previous updates
Increase error rate on API
Resolved Aug 17 at 08:43am PDT
The API is back to a healthy state.
1 previous update